The real estate

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Legal self-defense, lawyer Alexander Yevsiutin, legal self-defense, legal self-defense course of lawyer Yevsiutin, self-defense
Legal self-defense, lawyer Alexander Yevsiutin, legal self-defense, legal self-defense course of lawyer Yevsiutin, self-defense
Emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP
Do you need emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP?
We invite lawyers to join the partnership. Kovorkin for lawyers in different cities. International legal network
Our company provides the opportunity for lawyers to work remotely or in their region, without worrying about the availability of clients, providing the opportunity to receive clients in the center of your city as necessary.
If you are detained by law
If you are detained by law enforcement officers on suspicion of committing a crime, you have the right to a defense, you can carry out it yourself or with the help of a lawyer.
Lawyer profession. Now anyone can be a lawyer

A lawyer is a profession that requires its owner to have a high level of education, intelligence and life experience. Such qualities are achieved and acquired as a result of the entire life path and professional activity of the lawyer himself. But you can also learn to protect yourself.

Lawyer (advocate) Mr. Oleksandr Yevsiutin on issues of real estate problem on the radio "Vesti"

About real estate, a real estate lawyer, a lawyer about real estate, how to choose real estate, buying real estate, a real estate lawyer. Buy real estate in Kiev correctly.

Training course, Legal self-defense in conditions of martial law, Legal self-defense, legal self-defense, courses on Ukrainian law

Name of the course: "Legal self-defense under martial law"

1. Definition of martial law and its consequences for citizens.

2. Rights and obligations of citizens during martial law.

3. How to behave during detention, search and arrest.

4. How to properly behave during questioning and interrogation. How to contact a lawyer and get legal assistance free of charge.

5. How to apply to law enforcement agencies and the court in case of violation of rights. 

Dismissal from military service of students called up for service during martial law

Regarding the release of students called up for service during martial law.

So far, it is simply impossible for them to free themselves. That is, they are not subject to conscription, but if they have already entered the service, they cannot be released on the basis of training.

The draft law on amendments to Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" regarding the dismissal of students, trainee assistants and graduate students can change the situation.

Statement on temporary protection of citizens of Ukraine in Portugal
Statement on temporary protection of citizens of Ukraine in Portugal
The Economic Security Bureau was headed by the head of the State Fiscal Service

The Economic Security Bureau was headed by the head of the State Fiscal Service Vadim Melnik.
Earlier, Melnik served in the tax police for more than 14 years.

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Advocates of Lugansk and Lugansk region

Advocates of Lugansk and Lugansk region

Specialization of our lawyers:

  •      Entry into inheritance, recognition as having lost the right to use residential premises (extract)
  •      The process of registering real estate transactions, registering real estate with the cadastral register
  •      Deprivation of parental rights. Establishing paternity. Declaration of incompetence. Alimony, divorce
  •      Migration law (refugee, protection status, work, marriage, business, study)

We do not deal with criminal cases in occupied territories.

In connection with the active migration of Donbass lawyers, the International Legal Network UiP comapany (United International Partners or United International Partners) was formed over several years, which successfully provide assistance to citizens in different countries, including the USA CANADA GREAT BRITAIN MEXICO PORTUGAL ITALY SPAIN GERMANY POLAND CZECH REPUBLIC BULGARIA ALBANIA MOLDOVA PAKISTAN INDIA ZAMBIA GEORGIA UKRAINE KAZAKSTAN UZBEKISTAN LITHUANIA LATVIA ESTONIA SLOVENIA SLOVAKIA, and other countries.

About one thousand lawyers are officially registered in the region, all of them have the right to practice law as in the territory of Lugansk.

However, not all registered lawyers actually practice law at all; some of the persons who currently have a certificate are judges or prosecutors, are engaged in other business activities, or are generally on a well-deserved retirement.

Some lawyers remained in uncontrolled territory and continue to protect the rights and interests of citizens even in such difficult times.

In addition to lawyers registered in the Lugansk CDCA, lawyers who received their certificates in the Donetsk CDCA provide legal services on an ongoing basis in the Lugansk region. These are mainly persons who were unable or did not want to take qualifying exams in the Lugansk CDCA for some personal reasons, but registered while taking exams in other areas.

According to the explanations of the VKKA (Higher Qualification Commission of the Bar), such lawyers can indeed carry out their activities in the territory of other regions (including Lugansk), however, if they constantly and predominantly carry out legal practice in the territory of another region, then they are required to register in this particular region areas.

Our lawyers specialize in inheritance, family and migration matters, that is, in civil law and procedure.


• Legal protection of the interests of citizens upon entering into inheritance.

• Qualified legal assistance in divorce proceedings, division of property, and claims for alimony.

• Representation of interests in property disputes.

• Legal protection of interests in case of illegal dismissal, violation of an employee’s LABOR RIGHTS.

• Drawing up human rights complaints, representing interests.

• Search for heirs and property, collection of information.

However, not all registered lawyers really carry out lawyer activity in General, some of the persons with the witness at the moment are judges or prosecutors, are engaged in other business activities, or are in retirement. Active attorneys in the area are about 400 people registered. Who is the most qualified to solve customers naturally.

Except the lawyers registered in Luhansk QDCB, on the territory of the Luhansk region on an ongoing basis provide legal services lawyers who received their certificates in Donetsk QDCB. It is mostly individuals w
ho are unable or unwilling to pass qualification exams in Luhansk QDCBfor any personal reasons, and settled at the time of the exams in other areas. According to the explanations HQBC (High qualification Commission of advocacy of Ukraine) are lawyers really can carry out its activity on the territory of other areas (including Luhansk), but if they constantly and mainly carry out lawyer activity in the territory of another region, they are required to register in this area.

Lawyers ACB "UIP" specializes in criminal law and process, as well as on Affairs about administrative offences, the civil law and process, family matters, immigration consulting and support of foreign trade contracts.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in protecting citizens in criminal proceedings as at the stages of pre-trial investigation and in courts as local levels and appeals and the court of cassation.
Many lawyers have previously worked in positions of investigators and prosecutors, know all the secrets of the work of these bodies, and are able to use their knowledge in the protection of our Clients.

Lawyers JSCB "EMP" successfully practice in the protection of suspects, accused and defendants in criminal cases of special complexity as against the person and property, and economic malfeasance.

Leads Bureau advocate, the head of the Lugansk branch of the Association of lawyers, the head of the Lugansk branch of the Association of lawyers Evsyutin Alexander, with extensive experience in various legal practices.

Specialization in migration consulting and law, foreign trade, commercial, civil, tax, administrative law and processes, building business (business registration, licensing, etc.), emigration to Ukraine and immigration, accompanied by investment and foreign trade between Ukraine and other countries.

Law and consulting Bureau in Lugansk is a full range of legal services, has extensive representation in the regions of Ukraine and durovich countries near and far abroad, sets itself apart from all other law firms.

A list of lawyers 

1 Avetisyan N. Robert 25.04.2002 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with19.04.1995

2 Akolzina Marina Viktorovna 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from15.10.1993

3 Alekseev Alexander Sergeevich 24.11.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with27.10.2011

4 Alekseeva Maya Antonovna 01.11.2008 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from15.10.1993

5 Alexeeva Olga V. 23.06.2011 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, Attorney from28.07.2011

6 Alekseev Valery 15.03.2007 Stanitsa Luganskaya Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from15.03.2007

7 Alekseev Inna 19.12.2001 Stanitsa Luganskaya Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.11.2001

8 Andreeva Elena Nikolaevna 21.12.2006 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from21.12.2006

9 Artyukh Vladimir 19.02.2003 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.02.2003

10 Arushanyan Nora Lavna 17.02.2011 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.01.2011

11 Arushanyan Rack gareginovich 24.11.2011 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 27.10.2011

12 Atamans Alexander 15.11.2007 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.11.2007

13 Babenko, Tatiana A. Red Beam 26.08.2009 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from26.08.2009

14 babiychuk Alexander 01.03.2002 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.10.1998

15 Banach Nina Krasny Luch, Luhansk region. 15.10.1993 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

16 Balaba Sergey Lugansk 28.04.2005, Kiev region. Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from28.04.2005

17 Barjac Tatyana Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

18 Bezrodna Valentina E. 19.01.1994 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with19.01.1994

19 gentle Alexey Vladimirovich 26.05.2011 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from26.05.2011

20 Berezkin Anatoly 19.04.2006 Slavyanoserbsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from19.04.2006

21 Bessarab Nikolai Krasny Luch, Lugansk region 03.07.2002 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with03.07.2002

22 Belik Alexander 20.12.2007 Lutugino Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.12.2007

23 Belichenko Stanislav Konstantinovich 22.03.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with22.03.2012

24 Bulls Vladimir Ivanovich 16.06.1999 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.06.1999

25 Becan Arthur A. 05.02.2002 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, lawyer since 21.01.1998

26 Bican Elena 15.10.1993 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

27 beaver Alexey Sergeevich 20.11.2008 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with20.11.2008

28 Boldyrev, Kirill A. 29.12.2010 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.11.2010

29 Bondarenko Victor 28.02.2002 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with17.03.1999

30 Bondarenko Alexander 26.07.2012 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.06.2012

31 Bondarenko Pavel 15.10.1997 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1997

32 Bondarenko Yuriy Y. 23.04.2008 Lisichansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 23.04.2008

33 Borzenko Nadezhda 30.11.2011 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, the LAWYER 30.11.2011

34 Greyhounds Lyudmila Konstantinovna 15.10.1993 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

35 Borodina Lyubov Alekseyevna 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

36 Bortnyk Anton Nikolaevich Red Beam 15.08.2012 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 15.08.2012

37 Bazarnik Ekaterina Fedorovna 12.05.2006 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

38 Brodsky Catherine A. 21.02.2008 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from21.02.2008

39 Igor Buzovsky N. Meadow. 23.06.2011. Yuvileyne, Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from26.05.2011

40 Bukwo Nataliya Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

41 Burlachenko Andrey Lugansk Lugansk region 20.09.2012 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 06.09.2012

42 Burlachenko Elena Lugansk 21.06.2000 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.06.2000

43 Vavakin Vadim 29.12.2006 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 29.12.2006

44 Valeeva Marina 15.03.2007 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.03.2007

45 Varichev Nikolay Yakovlevich 24.10.2006 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 24.10.2006

46 Varchenko Vladimir G. 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

47 Varchenko Catherine G. Meadow. . M. 19.04.1995 Markovka Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with19.04.1995

48 Vasilchenko Sergey Meadow. Region. M. 18.12.2008 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with20.11.2008

49 Velichko Yuriy V. 20.10.1999 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.10.1999


50 Wendel Oleg 25.10.2002 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from25.10.2002

51 Hill, Claudia K. 21.06.2000 Perevalsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with24.05.2000

52 Vishnyakov, Vladimir K. 15.09.2004 Perevalsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.09.2004

53 Viskunov Alexander V. 23.08.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with23.08.2012

54 Visagan Alexander A. 19.04.2000 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 19.04.2000

55 Vlasov Alexey 25.08.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 25.08.2011

56 Vovk Vladimir 16.03.2005 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.03.2005

57 Sherman Svetlana Borisovna 15.10.1993 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

58 Volik Dmitry 19.05.2004 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 19.05.2004

59 Volkov Nikolai 19.06.1996 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from19.06.1996

60 Volkov Yuriy Konstantinovich 15.04.2002 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

61 Volkova-Gvozdenko Irina G. 12.05.2011 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from18.05.2005

62 Volokhova Marina Sergun 23.08.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 28.07.2011

63 Varvel Maksim Vladimirovich Meadow. Region, peresechnoye. Trinity 18.05.2005 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.05.2005

64 Voronkin Anatoly 15.10.1993 Novoaidar Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

65 Voronov Viktor 20.05.1998 Stakhanov Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 20.05.1998

66 Voriskova Tatiana Sverdlovsk 20.04.1994 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 20.04.1994

67 Brambach Arkady cheslavovich 17.09.2009 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.08.2009

68 Brambach Larisa Andreevna 15.10.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

69 Gavrilenko Alexander 15.01.2003 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.01.2003

70 Gavrilov Sergey Viktorovich 31.08.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

71 Gavrilov Sergey Viktorovich 31.08.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

72. Roman A. Severodonetsk 14.04.2003 Sumy region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with15.09.1993

73 Gavrish Vadim 16.09.1998 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with16.09.1998

74 Gavrish Lyudmila Ivanovna 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

75 Gagai Polycarp S. 14.11.2006 Stakhanov Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, the lawyer since 14.11.2006

76 gaevoy Peter Ivanovich 18.10.2001 Krasnodon Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from18.10.1995

77 Gallyamov Rifkat Gabdulhaevich Irmino 10.05.2012 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 26.04.2012

78 Gamow Vladislav Vladimirovich 04.07.2012 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from04.07.2012

79 Hansen, Alexander Yegorovich 15.03.2007 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.03.2007

80 Hansen Alexei Alexandrovich 28.07.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 28.07.2011

81 Gupalov Vladimir Vladimirovich 16.09.1998 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 16.09.1998

82 Gerasimova T. I. 26.01.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with26.01.2012

83 Herman Nikolai Stepanovich 05.10.2005 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from05.10.2005

84 Himmelfarb S. O. 15.03.2000 Starobelsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.03.2000

85 Goncharova Olga Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

86 Humpback Julia Amanda 21.03.2012 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.03.2012

87 Gorlov Michael Panteleyevich 15.10.1993 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

88 Grebenkov Konstantin Eduardovich 15.05.2002 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.05.2002

89 Grigoriev Ruslan Nikolaevich 16.09.1998 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with16.09.1998

90 Gritsay, Sergei Alexandrovich 27.10.2011 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with22.09.2011

91 Grishin Yury Meadow. Region, peresechnoye. Jubilee 20.06.2012 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.06.2012

92 Grishchenko Irina Alekseevna 21.04.1999 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 21.04.1999

93 Gribanov Andrey 16.11.2005 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from16.11.2005

94 Georgians Fyodor 11.10.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with 04.10.2012

95 Gruzinova Natalia Lugansk 19.07.2007 Kiev region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.07.2007

96 Gupal V. N. Stakhanov, Luhansk region, 27.11.2003 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from15.10.1993

97 Gutnik Valery 29.03.2000 Svatovo Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from29.03.2000

98 Dalin George Malhazovich 21.02.1996 Krasnodon Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from21.02.1996

99 Danchenko Inna 19.11.2003 Stanitsa Luganskaya Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.11.2003

100 Dashko Yury Ivanovich 17.01.2008 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from17.01.2008

101 Demchenko A. G. 15.06.2011 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.03.1998

102 Demchenko, Olga Lugansk 12.09.2012 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 12.09.2012

103 Demyanenko Evgeniya Lugansk 20.09.2001 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

104 Dobrovol'skaya Ludmila Alexandrovna 15.10.1993 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

105 Dolzhenko Oksana 19.06.2008 Stakhanov Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from19.06.2008

106 Drogovoz Vadim 16.06.1999 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.06.1999

107 Dubrovin, Andrey V. 16.05.2001 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with16.05.2001

108 Angelica Irina Lugansk 22.09.2011 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with25.08.2011

109 Duduza Vasily 18.02.1998 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with18.02.1998

110 Uncle Anna Petrovna 16.08.2012 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from16.08.2012

111 Onkar Andrey Meadow. Region, peresechnoye. Trinity 10.05.2012 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attoney from26.04.2012

112 Evsyutin Alexander, 20.12.2007 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.12.2007

113 Ermolenko Evgeny Vasilievich 17.02.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.01.2011

114 Eremenko Boris 25.10.2007 Lutugino Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 25.10.2007

115 Eremenko Elena Lugansk 25.06.2009 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with25.06.2009

116 Liquid Olga 23.08.2012 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.08.2012

117 zhikhar ' Nadezhda Petrovna 17.07.2008 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 17.07.2008

118 Zaika Valery Kuzmich Meadow. Region, peresechnoye. 19.04.2000 Belokurakino Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with19.04.2000

119 Zaynudinov Andrew M. 11.10.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with04.10.2012

120 Zaitseva Maria Feodorovna 22.10.2003 Krasnodon Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

121 Soudn Sergei Mikhailovich 21.06.2007 Zorinsk of Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.06.2007

122 Zarudny Stanislav Ivanovich 29.03.2000 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 29.03.2000

123 Zvereva Ekaterina Lugansk 15.09.2004 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.09.2004

124 Zimnicki Edward A. 15.11.1995 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.11.1995

125 Ziborov Vasily Ivanovich Krasnyi Luch, Luhansk oblast 16.06.1999 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.06.1999

126 Zinkov Dmitry Aleksandrovich 19.12.2007 Lugansk Kharkiv region QUALIFICATION-DISCIPLINARY Commission of the bar, attorney from 19.12.2007

127 Zotova Maria Haritonova 19.04.2000 Svatovo of Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with19.04.2000

128 Zuev, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lugansk 13.07.2012 Poltava region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with13.07.2012

129 Zema Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Alchevsk 17/03/2008 It Is Dnepropetr. Region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 11.03.2008

130 Ivakina Anna 22.09.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with25.08.2011

131 Ivanov Vladimir Konstantinovich 15.10.1993 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

132 Ivanov, Aleksandr Yurievich Krasnyi Luch 09.09.2005 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 09.09.2005

133 Sergey Ivanov 07.11.2007 Red Beam of Donetsk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 07.11.2007

134 Ivanova Lyudmila Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

135 Ivashchenko Tatyana 15.11.1995 Red Beam of the Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.11.1995

136 Izotov Denis S. 10.01.2013 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 27.12.2012

137 Linow Roman V. 18.09.2008 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.09.2008

138 Ismail Yulia Olegovna 06.04.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with22.03.2012

139 Kazmin Oleg 26.04.2012 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with06.04.2012

140 Kalinchenko Celia Matveevna 15.10.1993 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

141 Kaplin Galina Lugansk 20.11.2002 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.11.2002

142 Kaplun Gennady 15.10.1997 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1997

143 Karabut Alexander 14.12.2011 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 14.12.2011

144 Karaseva Oksana Sergeevna 04.10.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with04.10.2012

145 Kardash Yuri Ivanovich 15.01.2002 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.03.2001

146 Karpusha Vladislav Borisovich 11.10.2012 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with04.10.2012

147 Karyagin Arthur Norwich Meadow. Region, peresechnoye. 17.09.2009 Belovodsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.08.2009

148 Cactus Vyacheslav Vladimirovich 15.10.1993 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

149 Katrenko Anatoly 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

150 Katrenko Ekaterina Anatol'evna Lugansk 31.03.2004 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 31.03.2004

151 Kvitko Nadezhda Ivanovna 25.04.2003 Krasnodon Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

152 Rahim Kerimov Kerim oglu 18.01.2007 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.01.2007

153 Kizima Valentin V. 15.04.1998 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.04.1998

154 Kirillova Julia D. 06.02.2002 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

155 Victor Kilmukhametov Naldic 09.10.2001 Starobelsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 17.12.1997

156 Kim Valeriya Valer'evna Lugansk 26.07.2012 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.06.2012

157 Cntrol Yevgeny Konstantinovich 16.04.2009 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.04.2009

158 Klimenko Larisa Alekseevna 19.04.2007 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.04.2007

159 Klimenko Roman Leonidovich 26.10.2006 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 26.10.2006

160 klimchouk Vladimir 15.09.1999 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with15.09.1999

161 Klyuev Lily S. 20.09.2012 Starobelsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.09.2012

162 Kovalenko Oleg V. 18.09.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.03.1998

163 Kovalenko Sergey 19.10.1994 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with19.10.1994

164 Kovalev Vitaly 16.04.2009 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.04.2009

165 Kovaleva Vera M. 19.03.2009 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

166 Kovaleva Irina Igorevna 06.12.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with06.12.2001

167 Kovaleva Julia A. 11.10.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with04.10.2012

168 Covin Sergey Lugansk 23.08.2007 Kiev region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 23.08.2007

169 Kovtun Lyubov Yakovlevna 17.11.2000 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 17.11.2000

170 Kozich Igor Lugansk 25.06.2008 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 25.06.2008

171 Kozin Valentin 05.07.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.12.2000

172 Kokorin Sergey 15.04.2002 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

173 Kolesnikov Igor V. 21.12.2006 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.12.2006

174 Kolesnikov, Yuri A. 06.12.2000 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 06.12.2000

175 Kolesnik Alla Nikolaevna 15.10.1993 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

176 Kolibabchuk Boris 03.10.2012 Stakhanov Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with03.10.2012

177 Kolomiets V. P. 16.01.2002 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.01.2002

178 kolomoytsev O. G. 15.05.2002 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.05.2002

179 Colotomic Denis 07.11.2007 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 07.11.2007

180 kordukova Olga M. 26.05.2011 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 26.05.2011

181 Kornyuhova Tatiana 15.10.1993 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

182 Korsunsky Vladimir Vladimirovich 18.04.2001 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with18.04.2001

183 Korchemny Andrey Lugansk 01.12.2010 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 01.12.2010

184 Koryak Igor Meadow. Region, peresechnoye. 19.02.2009 Belokurakino Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.02.2009

185 Kostiv Yuri F. 19.02.2003 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.02.2003

186 Kostroma Tatiana Cremini 20.11.2002 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.11.2002

187 Kotvanova Tatiana Lugansk 25.10.2007 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 25.10.2007

188 Kosheleva Yulia Mikhailovna 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

189 Kravtsov Dmitry Pavlovich 18.11.2008 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with16.10.2008

190 Valeriya Petrovna Kravchenko Lugansk 22.03.2012 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with23.02.2012

191 Krasnokutskaya Alexander 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

192 Krasnoperova Yuliya 27.04.2005 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

193 krasnorutskiy, Alexander 21.06.2007 Markovka Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.06.2007

194 Krivko, Yuri Mikhailovich 04.08.2002 Severodonetsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

195 Krylov Oleg 07.07.2010 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 07.07.2010

196 Kruglov Vitaly Petrovich, Antracit 26.01.2007 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with26.01.2007

197 Cruz Galina Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

198 Kuznetsova Anna Petrovna 21.06.2007 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 07.06.2007

199 Kuznetsova Tatiana Andreevna 24.01.2011 Svatovo Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

200 Kunitsyn Sergey Georgievich 29.01.1997 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 29.01.1997

201 Kunitsyn Elena Lugansk 15.09.2004 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.09.2004

202 Turbulence Vera 20.07.1994 Miusinsk of Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.07.1994

203 kutikova Lyubov 26.10.2006 Rovenky Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

204 cutco Anatoly 18.02.1998 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with18.02.1998

205 Kushnarev Alexander O. 18.12.2008 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with18.12.2008

206 Kushnareva Natalya Aleksandrovna 17.09.2001 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

207 Kushnirenko Valery Isaevich 17.07.2007 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with20.04.1997

208 Kushnirenko Irina 17.07.2007 Anthracite Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.02.1997

209 Lapenko Dmitri 15.10.1993 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

210 Lemba Anastasia V. Krasny Luch Lugansk region 11.10.2012 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.09.2012

211 Lemba Vitaly Anatolievich Krasnyi Luch, Luhansk oblast 17.11.2001 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 17.11.1993

212 Lisenko Andrey 21.05.2003 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.05.2003

213 Lisichenko Olga Valentinovna 16.06.1999 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 16.06.1999

214 Lipatov I. A. 17.02.2011 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.01.2011

215 Litvinov V. G. 20.08.2009 Sverdlovsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.08.2009

216 Lobanov Alexei A. 25.10.2007 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 25.10.2007

217 Lukin Igor V. Stakhanov 26.04.2012 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with06.04.2012

218 Lutsenko Valentina 15.10.1993 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

219 Lyubov Julia A. 06.09.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with23.08.2012

220 Lyashenko Leonid 10.09.2001 Krasnodon Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 26.11.1997

221 MAZURAK Alexey Dmitrievich Lugansk 30.03.2011 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 30.03.2011

222 Majdannikov Oksana Vladimirovna 20.12.2007 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.12.2007

223 Makarenko Anna 22.12.2011 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 24.11.2011

224 maksimets Irina Lugansk 26.05.2004 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with17.05.2000

225 Malawati Vitalii Lugansk 06.07.2001 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.04.1998

226 Malgin Valery Meadow. Obl. PGT. 21.03.2001 Slavyanoserbsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.03.2001

227 Painter Anna V. 18.01.2007 Lugansk Kiev city Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 18.01.2007

228 Manakov, Andrey A. 22.03.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with22.03.2012

229 Manych Dmitry Alexandrovich 21.05.2009 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.05.2009

230 Marusev Nikolay Vladimirovich 21.04.1999 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

231 Matvienko Anatoliy Danilovich 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

232 Matvienko Natalia A. 28.07.2011 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 28.07.2011

233 Mashchenko Boris Viktorovich Meadow. Obl. PGT. Slavyanoserbsk 29.08.2012 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 29.08.2012

234 Melnikov Alexander Abramovich 15.10.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

235 Medvedev Sergey 21.07.1999 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.07.1999

236 Medvedev Sergey 23.06.2011 Lisichansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 23.06.2011

237 Mihalevich Valery Vladimirovich 17.09.2009 Alchevsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 17.09.2009

238 Mikhailyuk Alexander 26.09.2010 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with22.09.2010

239 Milovanov, Vladimir Dmitrievich Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

240 Minaev Andrey 15.03.2006 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.03.2006

241 Minko Andrey 19.01.2005 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.01.2005

242 Magicin Vladimir 30.05.2012 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with30.05.2012

243 Mosolov Oleg M. 29.01.2003 Pervomaisk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with18.02.1998

244 frost Alexey Stakhanov, Luhansk region, 20.09.2012 Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 20.09.2012

245 Muratova Olga Lugansk 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

246 Mukhin Yuri 20.06.2001 Village Lugansk the Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with20.06.2001

247 Musty Vasily 22.03.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with23.02.2012

248 Myagkov Nikolai 26.04.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with06.04.2012

249 Naida Alexander V. 25.04.2012 Lugansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with25.04.2012

250 Nesterenko Nikolai Lugansk 13.07.2011 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with13.07.2011

251 Nesteruk Michael Menovich 17.11.1993 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 17.11.1993

252 Nesvita Maksym 19.02.2003 Rubizhne Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 19.02.2003

253 Nechiporuk Nadezhda Nikolaevna Flint 15.10.1993 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

254 Nikolenko Ekaterina Lugansk 04.10.2012 Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with04.10.2012

255 Nosov Valery 07.06.2007 Starobelsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 07.06.2007

256 Nosova Yuliya Nikolaevna 26.07.2012 Starobelsk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 21.06.2012

257 Ovcharenko Vitaly Meadow. Obl. PGT. 21.05.2009 Markovka Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 31.05.2009

258 Ovcharenko Alexander 04.07.2012 Lisichansk Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 04.07.2012

259 Ovcharova Inna 20.11.2008 Bryanka Luhansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with20.11.2008

260 Ogorodnik Aleksandr Ivanovich Krasnyi Luch 21.04.2006 Donetsk Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with21.04.2006

261 Odnowa Vladimir K. 16.12.2002 Lugansk, Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, attorney from 15.10.1993

262 Odnowa Karina Vladimirovna 23.02.2012 Lugansk Lugansk region Qualification and disciplinaryCommission of the bar, a lawyer with29.01.2012


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