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Legal self-defense, lawyer Alexander Yevsiutin, legal self-defense, legal self-defense course of lawyer Yevsiutin, self-defense
Emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP
Do you need emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP?
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If you are detained by law
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Lawyer profession. Now anyone can be a lawyer
A lawyer is a profession that requires its owner to have a high level of education, intelligence and life experience. Such qualities are achieved and acquired as a result of the entire life path and professional activity of the lawyer himself. But you can also learn to protect yourself. About real estate, a real estate lawyer, a lawyer about real estate, how to choose real estate, buying real estate, a real estate lawyer. Buy real estate in Kiev correctly. Name of the course: "Legal self-defense under martial law" 1. Definition of martial law and its consequences for citizens. 2. Rights and obligations of citizens during martial law. 3. How to behave during detention, search and arrest. 4. How to properly behave during questioning and interrogation. How to contact a lawyer and get legal assistance free of charge. 5. How to apply to law enforcement agencies and the court in case of violation of rights. Regarding the release of students called up for service during martial law.
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Residence permit by investment
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E-mail: [email protected] Now you can buy a residence permit in Ukraine
NOW YOU CAN BUY A RESIDENCE PERMIT IN UKRAINE 27.09.2017 entered into force the Law of Ukraine from 23.05.2017 "On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine on elimination of barriers to attracting foreign investment". This is a significant day that changed the market of foreign labor in Ukraine. So, the above law was amended in article 4 of the law of Ukraine "On legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship". Have the opportunity to obtain residence permit through investments in private Ukrainian company from EUR 100 000 or more. It does not have to obtain a licence from the National Bank of Ukraine or Dougie permits. It's simple: create a company, invest money or property in the amount of 100 thousand euros and submitted to obtain a residence permit. Hooray, you're almost Ukrainian. THE FOREIGNER IS THE FOUNDER AND(OR) THE PARTICIPANT AND(OR) BENEFICIARY THE OWNER (CONTROLLER) OF A LEGAL ENTITY The new law established that the basis for the issuance of a residence permit if foreigners and persons without citizenship, are the founders and(or) participants and(or) the beneficial owners (controllers) of legal entities registered in Ukraine are the following compelling circumstances: 1) a foreigner and a stateless person is the founder and(or) participant, and(or) beneficial owner (controller) of a legal entity, which is included in the Unified state register of legal entities, individuals - entrepreneurs and community groups; 2) the size of the share of the property of a foreigner or person without citizenship, or foreign legal entity, the beneficiary (the controller) which it is, in the Charter capital of a Ukrainian legal entity is not less than 100 000 euros at the official exchange rate set by the National Bank of Ukraine on the date of entering foreign investment ". THE BASIS FOR ISSUING A RESIDENCE PERMIT BASED ON INVESTMENT, ARE: 1) the application of a foreigner or person without citizenship; 2) a valid medical insurance policy; 3) a written commitment of the legal entity to inform the Central body of Executive power that ensures implementation of state policy in the sphere of migration, the loss of a foreigner or stateless person status of the founder and(or) participants and(or) beneficial owner (controller) of this legal entity; 4) other documents depending on the form of foreign investment: a copy of constituent documents of legal persons; data on the fraction of a foreigner or stateless person - founder (participant) of a legal entity in the amount of not less than 100 000 euros at the official exchange rate set by the National Bank of Ukraine on the date of entering foreign investment, as contribution to the authorized capital if the foreign investment realized in monetary form; a copy of the cargo customs Declaration for personal property transferred as the contribution in authorized capital of the legal entity and the copy of the act of transfer and acceptance of such property if the foreign investment is made in the form of property; a copy of the act of acceptance-transfer of movable or immovable property transferred as a contribution into the Charter capital of the legal entity if the foreign investment is made in the form of property, but such property purchased in the territory of Ukraine; statement of securities account, if the foreigner or the stateless person is the shareholder of joint-stock companies registered in Ukraine. AT THE MOMENT, THE LIST OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR OBTAINING A RESIDENCE PERMIT WAS REDUCED AND NO LONGER NEED TO PROVIDE:
Documents confirming the right of ownership or use of the apartment — contract of sale, donation or lease, registered in the housing and operational organization. A LONG STAY VISA "D".The Law on legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship is supplemented with article 5-2 - a long stay visa to obtain a residence permit. Yes, this requirement is still left. Well, like our consuls, that came to them and asked them to put You in Ukraine again and again. Of course there is output (described below). It is established that foreigners and persons without citizenship are obliged to obtain a long-term visa "D" with the aim of obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine, unless otherwise provided by laws or international treaties of Ukraine. This requirement does not apply to foreigners and stateless persons in respect of whom a decision on processing of documents for resolving the issue of recognition as refugee or person who needs additional protection. This decision is made according to the Rules of consideration of applications and issuance of documents required for resolving the issue of granting refugee status or person who needs additional protection, loss and deprivation of refugee status and complementary protection, and cancellation of the decision on recognition of refugee status or person who needs complementary protection, utverzhdenii the Order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 649 dated 07.09.2011 Registered at the Ministry of justice of Ukraine on 05 October 2011 No. 1146/19884. Learn more about the procedure for obtaining refugee status You can read in our other article: REFUGEE STATUS The requirement under the first paragraph of this article shall not apply to foreigners and persons without citizenship in case of: 1) extension of period of validity of the residence permit, if they filed an application within the period specified by part two of article 5-3 of this Law; 2) receiving time at the children of foreigners and persons without citizenship residing in Ukraine in accordance with paragraphs fourteen and fifteen of article 4 of this Law, provided that by the time they reach 16 years they were on the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, and asked about the receipt of form within one month from the date of attaining the age of 16. But if You are atrocitites to the above entities and if You don't want to return to his country, to go to the Ukrainian Embassy (Consulate) and get a new visa, You can issue a power of attorney for our immigration advocte and he will do everything instead of You. After registration of the company and the transfer of her 100 euros, You go to posolstvo (Consulate) of Ukraine in Your country and get the coveted visa "D" in Ukraine. THE ORDER OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICATION ABOUT THE REGISTRATION OR EXTENSION OF VALIDITY OF THE RESIDENCE PERMITA foreigner or a stateless person submits application for registration or renewal of residence permit and relevant documents, defined by this Law and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, personally or through a representative under a power of attorney to the territorial body of the Central Executive body that ensures implementation of state policy in the field of migration. For the renewal of the permit the foreigner or stateless person who has received a residence permit as a founder or participant of the Ukrainian legal entity, must confirm the fact of employment in the legal entity for at least three citizens of Ukraine, who started to work not less than six months before the date of filing of application about prolongation of term of validity of the certificate, or payment legal entity profit tax of the enterprises not less than 50 times the minimum wage for the last full financial year before the date of the request on the renewal form. Territorial body of the Central Executive body that ensures implementation of state policy in the sphere of migration shall be obliged to provide the foreigner or the person without citizenship or his representative an inventory of documents received signature of the authorized person have accepted them, and of its position, name and surname and date of receipt of the documents. A foreigner or a stateless person receives a residence permit personally. © If the source is not specified, the copyright belongs to the site donadvocat.com, a direct link to that is required for copying or using of any materials. Support of immigration for study, work and life
Protection in all government and law enforcement agencies
The representation of foreigners in universities, immigration, border and customs services, embassies
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