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Emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP
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If you are detained by law
If you are detained by law enforcement officers on suspicion of committing a crime, you have the right to a defense, you can carry out it yourself or with the help of a lawyer.
Lawyer profession. Now anyone can be a lawyer
A lawyer is a profession that requires its owner to have a high level of education, intelligence and life experience. Such qualities are achieved and acquired as a result of the entire life path and professional activity of the lawyer himself. But you can also learn to protect yourself. About real estate, a real estate lawyer, a lawyer about real estate, how to choose real estate, buying real estate, a real estate lawyer. Buy real estate in Kiev correctly. Name of the course: "Legal self-defense under martial law" 1. Definition of martial law and its consequences for citizens. 2. Rights and obligations of citizens during martial law. 3. How to behave during detention, search and arrest. 4. How to properly behave during questioning and interrogation. How to contact a lawyer and get legal assistance free of charge. 5. How to apply to law enforcement agencies and the court in case of violation of rights. Regarding the release of students called up for service during martial law.
Statement on temporary protection of citizens of Ukraine in Portugal
The Economic Security Bureau was headed by the head of the State Fiscal Service
The Economic Security Bureau was headed by the head of the State Fiscal Service Vadim Melnik. ArticlesThe Kyiv Prosecutor's office
The Kyiv Prosecutor's office 03150, vul. Predslavinskaya, 45/9 telephone reception - 527-71-18 phone of a reception of citizens, consideration of complaints and queries 527-72-60, 527-71-22 tel the information about the crimes committed during the revolution of dignity - 524-84-38 "Hot line" - "Protect children" - 527-71-37 "Hot line" for receiving oral appeals - 527-72-44 telephone office - 527-72-74 telephone of the head of Department of documentary providing - 527-72-10 Fax: 524-41-05
The Prosecutor of Kyiv Govda Roman Born in 1980 in the city of novoyavorivs'k jaworowski district, Lviv region. In 2003 he graduated from the Lviv state University named Ivan Franko. 06 July 2016 appointed Prosecutor of the city of Kiev. _______________________________________ The Deputy Prosecutor of Kyiv Anatoliy Korzh Born in 1969 in the village of Antonivka town, Kherson. In 2001 he graduated from National law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. 07 may 2015 appointed to the post of Deputy Prosecutor of the city of Kiev. ________________________________________ The Deputy Prosecutor of the city of Kiev Andrey Andreev Born in 1977 in the city of rovenka of the Luhansk region. In 1998 he graduated from the University of internal Affairs, in 2011, the National Academy of prosecution of Ukraine, candidate of legal Sciences. In the Prosecutor's office works since may 2001 in the following positions: investigator, senior investigator of the Prosecutor's office of Luhansk region Rovenki; Prosecutor's Department, senior investigator, investigator for particularly important cases, Deputy head and head of Department of Prosecutor's office of Luhansk region, head of Kyiv city Prosecutor; Deputy Prosecutor of the Luhansk region; Deputy head of Department, head of Department of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. 15 August 2016 appointed Deputy Prosecutor of Kyiv. ________________________________________ The first Deputy Prosecutor of Kyiv Kononenko Pavel Born in 1964 in the village of Kamenka dobropillia district of Donetsk region. In 1992 he graduated from the Ukrainian Academy of internal Affairs. 21 July 2016 appointed first Deputy Prosecutor of Kyiv. ________________________________________ The Deputy Prosecutor of Kyiv Repetsky, Sergey Vasilyevich Born in 1979 in the city of Krasilov, Khmelnitsky region. In 2001 graduated from the National Academy of internal Affairs of Ukraine. 26 August 2016 appointed Deputy Prosecutor of Kyiv.
Heads of structural divisions of Prosecutor's office of Kyiv the office of oversight in criminal proceedings the Kharlov Alexander the Department of supervision of observance of laws of territorial bodies of police in the implementation of operative-investigative activities FRANTOWSKI Evgeny Nikolaevich first Supervisory Department for the observance of the laws of the territorial police in the production of pre-trial investigation and maintaining public prosecution LOGACHEV V. S. the second Supervisory Department for the observance of the laws of the territorial police in the production of pre-trial investigation and maintaining public prosecution ORLOV Vadim Aleksandrovich the Department of supervision of observance of laws in the investigation of crimes against life TKACHUK Dmitry Vladimirovich the first Department of the procedural management in the production of pre-trial investigation by the territorial authorities of the police and the state prosecution KRAVETS Alexander the second Department of the procedural management in the production of pre-trial investigation by the territorial authorities of the police and state prosecution of PALCHYKOV Alexey the Department of supervision of observance of laws by bodies of SBU, and state border service RUDENKO, Vadim the Department of supervision of observance of laws by bodies of the fiscal service, SHOWERWC Irina Igorevna the Department of supervision of observance of laws by bodies that are fighting organized crime YURCHENKO Alexander E. receiving Department' processing and analysis of operational information MATVEICHUK Yuri Department of organizational-methodical work and coordination of activities of law enforcement agencies in combating crime ONISHCHENKO, Sergey V. the Department on investigation of criminal proceedings by investigators of the prosecution and procedural guidance AVRAMENKO Alexander the first investigative division BELOUS Yuri the second investigative Department of BARANOV Nikolay Y. the third investigation Department of the DEMIDOV Igor the fourth investigation Department of MINSK Yury G. the first Department procedure manual SANICKI Evgeny Viktorovich the second Department of the procedural management Arsent'ev Daniil Sergeevich the third Department of the procedural management STEPANCHUK Andrey Yurievich organizational-methodical Department ANDRIEVSKY Olga Department of maintenance of state accusation in court, REMENYUK Yuri Petrovich Department of support of state charges in the region KLIMENKO, Victor A. the Department of maintenance of public prosecution in the court of appeal, Alexander TERTYCHNYY A. management of the representative office of interests of citizen or state in court TKACHENKO Vadim Viktorovich Department representation in administrative proceedings SMITYUH Vasily Antonovich Department representation in economic proceedings VASILYUK Olga G. Department representation in civil proceedings and prosecution in court LELICA Valeria Viktorovna the Department's representation JAGTAR Oksana Department representative in the performance of judicial decisions VASILEVSKY Andrey Department of work with personnel DZYUNIK Valentina the Department of organizational and legal support CHEPENKO Igor G. Department of organization of reception of citizens' appeals consideration and requests LEVCHENKO Elena Department of organization of activity in sphere of prevention and counteraction of corruption GOLOMSHA Mar'yana Nikolaevna Department of juvenile justice Scarinzi Elena the Department of supervision of observance of laws at execution of court decisions in criminal cases and of other coercive measures NAUMENKO L. Department of management of the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations and information-analytical work STRELYUK Yan Vladimirovich the information technology Department KOPYLOV Sergey Ivanovich the Department of international cooperation MAGALNYK Roman Vasilievich Department of documentary providing ZAVADSKAYA, Tatiana Nikolayevna the Department of Finance and accounting KOWALSKA Tamara A. Department financially-technical providing and socially-household MUSIN Eugene O. security part RALKO Ludmila press Secretary MAKSIMETS Nadezhda Viktorovna © If the source is not specified, the copyright belongs to the site donadvocat.com, a direct link to that is required for copying or using of any materials. Support of immigration for study, work and life
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