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Legal self-defense, lawyer Alexander Yevsiutin, legal self-defense, legal self-defense course of lawyer Yevsiutin, self-defense
Legal self-defense, lawyer Alexander Yevsiutin, legal self-defense, legal self-defense course of lawyer Yevsiutin, self-defense
Emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP
Do you need emergency consultation, detentions of TCC and SP, military commissariats, TCC lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP lawyer, TCC lawyer, TCC and SP?
We invite lawyers to join the partnership. Kovorkin for lawyers in different cities. International legal network
Our company provides the opportunity for lawyers to work remotely or in their region, without worrying about the availability of clients, providing the opportunity to receive clients in the center of your city as necessary.
If you are detained by law
If you are detained by law enforcement officers on suspicion of committing a crime, you have the right to a defense, you can carry out it yourself or with the help of a lawyer.
Lawyer profession. Now anyone can be a lawyer

A lawyer is a profession that requires its owner to have a high level of education, intelligence and life experience. Such qualities are achieved and acquired as a result of the entire life path and professional activity of the lawyer himself. But you can also learn to protect yourself.

Lawyer (advocate) Mr. Oleksandr Yevsiutin on issues of real estate problem on the radio "Vesti"

About real estate, a real estate lawyer, a lawyer about real estate, how to choose real estate, buying real estate, a real estate lawyer. Buy real estate in Kiev correctly.

Training course, Legal self-defense in conditions of martial law, Legal self-defense, legal self-defense, courses on Ukrainian law

Name of the course: "Legal self-defense under martial law"

1. Definition of martial law and its consequences for citizens.

2. Rights and obligations of citizens during martial law.

3. How to behave during detention, search and arrest.

4. How to properly behave during questioning and interrogation. How to contact a lawyer and get legal assistance free of charge.

5. How to apply to law enforcement agencies and the court in case of violation of rights. 

Dismissal from military service of students called up for service during martial law

Regarding the release of students called up for service during martial law.

So far, it is simply impossible for them to free themselves. That is, they are not subject to conscription, but if they have already entered the service, they cannot be released on the basis of training.

The draft law on amendments to Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" regarding the dismissal of students, trainee assistants and graduate students can change the situation.

Statement on temporary protection of citizens of Ukraine in Portugal
Statement on temporary protection of citizens of Ukraine in Portugal
The Economic Security Bureau was headed by the head of the State Fiscal Service

The Economic Security Bureau was headed by the head of the State Fiscal Service Vadim Melnik.
Earlier, Melnik served in the tax police for more than 14 years.

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Адвокат Пакистан / АДВОКАТЫ АЗИИ / LAWYER PRACTICE / Articles

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Out of the States which are disputed territories between India and Pakistan. Kashmir and Donbass

Out of the States which are disputed territories between India and Pakistan

Pakistani-Indian relations since the separatist branch of Pakistan from India have characteristic similarities with the situation in Ukraine.

Separation from the new state controlled by Great Britain India with the help of the United States led to a military confrontation, just as it happened in the relations between Ukraine and Russia.

Legally there are still territories that are disputable between India and Pakistan, it is Kashmir, the fate of which repeats the Donbass.

It is because of this similarity of situations that it is possible to study more deeply the situation that has developed in this region.

Of course, we are most interested in observing the rights of the local population, the history of the development of law in this territory and legality, the migration processes from Kashmir to Pakistan and India.

Once again we are convinced that everything that happens in the legal relationship between people has already happened before. We just need to remember the story.

So, Kashmir is very important for Delhi's domestic policy, since its rejection would significantly strengthen the separatist tendencies within the state.

Pakistan is not so tightly connected historically and economically with Kashmir as India, although it should be recognized that on religious grounds this disputed territory is closer to Pakistan than India.

As you know, Pakistan has become its time as a religious state, India has always been against territorial division on religious grounds. The events in Kashmir began to unfold not because of the invasion of the Pakistani side of mountain tribes on October 30, 1947, but with the publication on May 12, 1946 of the memorandum of the British government mission about the Indian principality and the announcement on June 3, 1947 of Lord Mountbetten's plan for the partition of British India.

London was interested in joining Kashmir with Pakistan, and Washington actively supported it. This position of Britain and the US is due to the desire to establish control over the area, which was assigned an important place in the military plans of Western states in Asia.

In the late 40's - early 50's, the United States and Great Britain began to draw up plans for the creation in Kashmir of military bases directed against the USSR, and subsequently against the PRC.

The Pakistani-Indian armed conflict over Kashmir lasted more than a year, and it was only on January 1, 1949, through the special commission 00H, that an agreement was reached on the mutual cessation of hostilities. According to Security Council resolutions 00 on July 13, 1948 and January 5, 1949, the ceasefire line that divided the principality of Jammu and Kashmir was established, is not the only geographical, ethnic or religious community, into two parts.

Controlled by his armed forces, the western and northern areas of the principality, named Azad Kashmir, have withdrawn to Pakistan. Two-thirds of the principality, under its historical name, went to the Indian Republic. India did not comply with the requirement to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir on its accession to India or Pakistan, citing the refusal of the latter to withdraw its troops from the seized part of the principality, and that the decision to join the principality of Jammu and Kashmir into India was taken by its ruler Hari Singh and the legal principality is an integral part of India. Probably, not the last factor of India's refusal to hold a plebiscite was the threat of strengthening the separatist movement in the country, which could lead to its disintegration. All further attempts to resolve the differences between India and Pakistan over obligations in accordance with Security Council resolutions of July 13, 1948 and January 5, 1949 proved ineffective. In 1951-1952,

The Indian government created the Constitutional Assembly of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to determine its future, which aroused Pakistan's discontent and sharp criticism from the United States. In February 1954, the Constitutional Assembly was unanimously ratified the decision to join the state to India. After the signing in May 1954 of the Pakistani-American treaty on mutual assistance in the field of defense, the attitude of the West to the Kashmir issue was changed.

Since this year, the United States began supplying arms to its ally, which, according to the Indian side, "could not be regarded otherwise than interference in the Indian-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir, temporarily settled in 1949."

Pakistan and Kashmir assumed great importance for the United States as a military stronghold against the spread of communism in Asia. That is why during the discussion of the Kashmir issue in the Security Council 00H in the 1950s, the Anglo-American bloc supported Pakistan's position.

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