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Наша компания предоставляет возможность адвокатам работать удаленно или в своем регионе, не переживая за наличие клиентов, предоставляя возможность принимать клиентов в центре вашего города по мере необходимости.
Если Вас задержали
Если вас задержали сотрудники правоохранительных органов по подозрению в совершении преступления у вас есть право на защиту, вы можете осуществлять самостоятельно или привлекая адвоката.
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Адвокат профессия. Юристом теперь может быть каждый

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Навчальний курс: Правовий самозахист в умовах воєнного стану, правовий самозахист, правова самооборона, курси з права Україна
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Посилення відповідальності військових. Зміни до Кримінального кодексу, Кодексу про адміністративні правопорушення
Верховна Рада ухвалила закон про внесення змін до Кримінального кодексу, Кодексу про адміністративні правопорушення та інших законодавчих актів щодо особливостей несення військової служби в умовах воєнного стану чи в бойовій обстановці. Це проект № 8271
Увольнение c воинской службы студентов, призванных на службу в время действия военного положения
По поводу увольнения студентов, призванных на службу в время действия военного положения. Пока им уволиться просто так не возможно. То есть они не подлежат призыву, но если уже попали на службу, то уволится на основании обучения не могут. Изменить ситуацию может законопроект о внесении изменений в статью 26 Закона Украины "О воинской обязанности и военной службе", в части увольнения студентов, ассистентов-стажеров и аспирантов.
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Юридическая помощь иностранцам в Украине / МИГРАЦИОННЫЙ КОНСАЛТИНГ / Статьи

E-mail:  [email protected]

The extension of the period of stay on the territory of Ukraine

The extension of the period of stay on the territory of Ukraine

The grounds for the receipt of services:
• submission of the application for permission to immigrate;
• acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine;
• the presence of the grounds, which are not allowed to leave Ukraine;
• other cases, when the need arises to extend the stay.
Submission of applications
The application is submitted personally
Necessary documents
In the case where the receiving party is a natural person:
• the passport of an alien or the identity document without citizenship (after the presentation of returns), a copy of the pages with personal data, visa (if any) and the for registration and/or a copy of the immigration card (if available);
• translation into Russian language pages of the passport document of a foreigner or of the identity document without citizenship, with personal data, certified in the order established by legislation;
• a passport document of a natural person, that is the host (after the presentation of returns), and a copy of the pages with personal data;
• a copy of the kind for permanent or temporary residence permit or other document, confirming the legality of the stay on the territory of Ukraine (if the host is a foreigner and person without citizenship);
• a document confirming the availability of financial security to cover the expenses related to the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine, or a letter of guarantee of the host party about the acceptance of the obligations to pay all expenses related to the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine, their departure from Ukraine;
• the document on the property right or the certificate on the state registration of the right of ownership of housing, which is granted to a foreigner and person without citizenship in a stay (upon submission of returns), and a copy of it, and in the case when housing does not belong to the host party, - a written consent of the owner (сособственника) of such housing. If the dwelling is located in the state or communal ownership, instead of the document on the property right is served issued by the organization, which carries out the operation of the dwelling house, a reference on all adult persons, place of residence which is registered in a dwelling, and their written consent to the stay of foreigners and stateless persons;
• four photographs of the foreigner and person without citizenship 3,5 x 4,5 cm;
• receipt of payment of state fee for the extension of the period of stay or a document, which confirms the existence of privileges on payment of.

In the case where the receiving party is a legal person:

• the passport of an alien or the identity document without citizenship (after the presentation of returns), a copy of the pages with personal data, visa (if available) and a mark of registration and/or a copy of the immigration card (if available);
• translation into Russian language pages of the passport document of a foreigner or of the identity document without citizenship, with personal data, certified in the order established by legislation;
• the passport of the head of the legal entity, which is the host party, and/or the person authorized by him (after the presentation of returns) and a copy of the pages with personal data;
• a copy of the extract from the Uniform state register of legal persons and physical persons - entrepreneurs;
• a copy of an administrative document (order, extracts from the minutes, the power of attorney, etc.) on the appointment of employees, which are responsible for the processing of the documents to foreigners and persons without citizenship, certified in the order established by legislation;
• a document confirming the availability of financial security to cover the expenses related to the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine, or a letter of guarantee of the host party about the acceptance of the obligations on payment of all expenses related to the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine, their departure from Ukraine;
• the document on the property right or the certificate on the state registration of the right of property of the legal person to housing, which is granted to a foreigner and person without citizenship in a stay (upon submission of returns), and a copy of it, and in the case when the housing is not owned by the host party, - a written consent of the owner (сособственника) of a dwelling or a person authorized by him;
• four photographs of the foreigner and person without citizenship 3,5 x 4,5 cm;
• receipt of the payment of the state fee for the extension of the period of stay or a document, which confirms the existence of privileges on payment of.

Term of consideration of the application
Not more than three working days. In case of need of the additional checks this period may be extended up to ten working days.
The decision on refusal in prolongation of term of stay of the foreigner or the person without citizenship on the territory of Ukraine can be made in case of:
• the necessity to ensure national security or of public order;
• the need for protection of health, rights and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens and other persons that live in Ukraine;
• when the passport of an alien or the identity document without citizenship, fake, corrupted, or does not correspond to the established pattern or belongs to another person;
• presentation of a foreigner or person without citizenship of knowingly false information or forged documents;
• when the facts of failure of a foreigner or person without citizenship of the decision of the court or the bodies of state power, authorized to impose administrative penalties, or they have other property obligations to the state, natural or legal persons, including those associated with the previous exclusion for limits of Ukraine, including after the end of the period of prohibition of further entry to Ukraine;
• when there is serious reason to believe that the foreigner and person without citizenship have other than stated in the statement, the reasons and the purpose of stay in Ukraine or they have not submitted the relevant confirmation;
• lack of foreigners and stateless persons adequate financial support for the period of stay or the guarantees of the host party.

Application for extension of period of stay on the territory of Ukraine are submitted by foreign citizens and persons without citizenship and the receiving party does not earlier than 10 and no later than three working days prior to the expiration of such term.

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