![]() Тематика статей
Правовая самозащита, адвокат Евсютин, правовая самооборона, курс правовой самозащиты адвоката Евсютина, самооборона
Екстренная консультация при задержаниях ТЦК и СП (военных комисариатов)
Нужна екстренная консультация, задержания ТЦК и СП, военных комисариатов, адвокат ТЦК, ТЦК адвокат, юрист ТЦК и СП, юрист ТЦК , ТЦК та СП?
Приглашаем адвокатов в партнерство. Коворкинг для адвокатов в разных города. Международная юридическая сеть
Наша компания предоставляет возможность адвокатам работать удаленно или в своем регионе, не переживая за наличие клиентов, предоставляя возможность принимать клиентов в центре вашего города по мере необходимости.
Если Вас задержали
Если вас задержали сотрудники правоохранительных органов по подозрению в совершении преступления у вас есть право на защиту, вы можете осуществлять самостоятельно или привлекая адвоката.
Миграция и защита бизнеса, международное масштабирование и сопровождения проектов
Миграция и защита бизнеса, международное масштабирование и сопровождение проектов
United interntional Partners (Единые международные Партнеры)
Адвокат профессия. Юристом теперь может быть каждый
Адвокат – это профессия, требующая от её обладателя, высокого уровня образования, интеллекта и жизненного опыта. Достигаются и приобретаются такие качества, в результате всего жизненного пути и профессиональной деятельности самого адвоката. Но ты тоже можешь научиться себя защищать. О недвижимости, юрист по недвижимости, юрист о недвижимости, как выбрать недвижимость, покупка недвижимости, адвокат по недвижимости. Купить недвижимость правильно.
Назва курсу: "Правовий самозахист в умовах воєнного стану"
1. Визначення воєнного стану та його наслідки для громадян.
2. Права та обов'язки громадян під час воєнного стану.
3. Як поводитись під час затримання, обшуку та арешту.
4. Як правильно вести себе під час допиту та інтерогації. Як звернутись до адвоката та отримати правову допомогу безоплатно.
5. Як звернутись до правоохоронних органів та суду у разі порушення прав.
Посилення відповідальності військових. Зміни до Кримінального кодексу, Кодексу про адміністративні правопорушення
Верховна Рада ухвалила закон про внесення змін до Кримінального кодексу, Кодексу про адміністративні правопорушення та інших законодавчих актів щодо особливостей несення військової служби в умовах воєнного стану чи в бойовій обстановці.
Це проект № 8271
Увольнение c воинской службы студентов, призванных на службу в время действия военного положения
По поводу увольнения студентов, призванных на службу в время действия военного положения.
Пока им уволиться просто так не возможно. То есть они не подлежат призыву, но если уже попали на службу, то уволится на основании обучения не могут.
Изменить ситуацию может законопроект о внесении изменений в статью 26 Закона Украины "О воинской обязанности и военной службе", в части увольнения студентов, ассистентов-стажеров и аспирантов.
Архив новостей
United Inrernational Partners
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E-mail: [email protected] The permission for employment in Ukraine
The permission for employment in UkraineFor anybody not a secret that foreign companies and companies with foreign investment for its effective operation prefer not to the Ukrainian workers and foreigners. In our view, this trend is caused quite objective reasons. As a foreign investor wants or control himself and his company, or to put their Director. This type of legal relations regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On employment of population", "On legal status of foreigners", the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the procedure for the issuance, renewal and revocation of permits for employment of foreigners and stateless persons" and so on. A work permit is a document given to the employers in the manner prescribed by law for employment of foreign citizens and subjects. A work permit is issued by the state centre of employment for a period of one year with annual renewal. The use of the work of foreigners without permission in the prescribed legally prohibited, otherwise, the company imposed sanctions on the part of state power and the further deportation of the foreign worker from Ukraine. To ensure that Your company could officially invite to work of foreign nationals, must register a company in OVIR. Term of delivery: within 30 working days. In the service of obtaining a work permit enters: - Advising on the procedure for obtaining a work permit of the foreigner; - Receiving of information from the tax inspection on taxes and fees; - Getting help from the employment center; - Help in registration of transfer of documents necessary for obtaining a permit; - Preparation of employment contract with a foreign citizen; - Forming the necessary package of documents and submit it to the employment center; - Representation of client's interests when considering the issue at the Commission. Note: in addition to payment for the work performed, the customer will be charged for the cost of translating documents and the official stamp duty for consideration of the application in the amount of 4 minimum wages. Required documents: - two color photographs, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm; - Charter of the employer (notarized copy); - extract from the unified state register of state registration of the employer (notarized copy); - the order on appointment of the head of the company (certified by the seal of the employer); - list of foreigners with their full name and surname, year of birth, passport number, occupation, and gender; - copies of documents about education or qualifications of the foreigner (notarized at the place of issue, Apostolova, translated into Ukrainian; - certificate of the state tax authority on payment by the employer taxes and fees (mandatory payments); - help employment Agency about the absence of the employer's debt to the Fund; - receipt of payment for considering the application; - certificate of the internal Affairs Agency about the absence of a conviction for an alien who at the time of registration of the permission is on the territory of Ukraine; - copies of the pages of a foreigner's passport, containing basic identification data (with translation into the Ukrainian language with a notarized); - information about the address of residence of a foreign citizen in Ukraine, the number of employees working in the company, the position, which foreign citizen is issued, the official level of salaries of the foreign citizen; - Power of attorney for representation of the interests of employers in the bodies of the employment center. For review filed by the employer of documents and providing relevant recommendations at the employment center, a Commission, composed of representatives of bodies of internal Affairs, security service, state border and state tax service. The decision on issue of a permit for employment of a foreigner, or extension of the term of its action is taken by the Director or Deputy Director of the Kyiv city employment center. It should be noted: - Permit to use labor of a foreigner is issued to the employer, which is registered in the employment center as the payer of insurance contributions to the Fund of compulsory state social insurance of Ukraine against unemployment and has no indebtedness to him. The employer also must know that the work permit of a foreign citizen is issued by the state centre of employment for a period of one year with subsequent renewal. The application for renewal must submit to the employer a month before the deadline. - If You have established an employment relationship with a foreign citizen without permission in a manner prescribed by law, in this case, the state employment center according including 4 tbsp. 8 of the law of Ukraine "On employment of population" requires the employer a fine in the amount of twentyfold minimum wage. - If a foreign citizen has a residence permit in Ukraine that he does not need to obtain a work permit. To summarize, I would like to note: obtaining a work permit of a foreign citizen is not difficult, if You collected the full package of documents and lawyers are well prepared justification, then you can count on a positive result. ____________________________________
If You are a foreigner and don't want to get into a difficult situation, for example, to be expelled from the country and return on a plane back to their country, become illegal, then we offer You advance to worry about your protection. We offer a unique opportunity for You to have your personal lawyer 24 hours a day for an entire year just for the price of a lawyer for one thing. You can not only save your time and health, but more money. This is all possible if you become a member of the program Personal Lawyer 24. You can conclude with us the contract on rendering of legal aid during the whole year for the price of one court case and get a lot of positive benefits. And most importantly, you can avoid many problems Read more about the program and its benefits: © Если источник не указан, то авторское право принадлежит сайту donadvocat.com, прямая ссылка на который обязательна при копировании или использовании любых его материалов E-mail: [email protected] ПРЕСС-ЦЕНТР TV ПОЛУЧИТЬ КОНСУЛЬТАЦИЮ ON-LINE